Mortgage Loan Details
21 October 2024, 2:14pm

  • Mortgage Quote Parameters

  • Property Value$400,000
    Amount Financed$300,000 (75.0% LTV)
    Loan PurposePurchase
    Property UsePrimary Residence
    Property TypeSingle Family Residence
    Property LocationAlaska - Anchorage/Eagle River
    Lock Period45 Days
    CreditExcellent - FICO >=780
    Loan Type30 Year Fixed Conventional
    Monthly Payment$2,468.27
    Estimated Cash-to-Close$114,284.69
    Estimated Closing Date12/06/2024
    First Payment Date02/01/2025

  • Monthly Payment Detail

    Principal & interest$1,774.61
    Property taxes (est)$548.33
    Homeowner's insurance (est)$145.33
    Monthly Payment$2,468.27

  • Estimated Cash-to-Close Detail

    Closing costs$7,012.50
    Interest - 12/6/2024 to 1/1/2025$1,255.48
    Escrow for taxes & insurance$3,805.32
    Property tax - 12/06/2024 to 01/01/2025$467.43
    Homeowner's insurance$1,743.96
    Total Estimated Cash-to-Close$114,284.69

  • Closing Costs Detail

    Your charge for this interest rate (1.695 points)$5,085.00
    Origination charge$0.00
    Credit report fee$0.00
    Flood certificate$0.00
    Title - Attorney doc prep (50%)$32.50
    Title - Courier fee$25.00
    Title - eRecording (50%)$5.00
    Title - Lender's title insurance$456.00
    Title - Settlement/Escrow fee (50%)$486.50
    Government recording charges (50%)$72.50
    Total Estimated Closing Costs$7,012.50

  • Escrow for Taxes & Insurance

    8 months property tax$4,386.64
    3 months insurance$435.99
    Aggregate adjustment$-1,017.31
    Escrow for Taxes & Insurance$3,805.32

  • Seller Closing Costs Detail

    Tax registration$0.00
    Title - Attorney doc prep (50%)$32.50
    Title - eRecording (50%)$5.00
    Title - Owner's title insurance$1,572.00
    Title - Settlement/Escrow fee (50%)$486.50
    Title - Wire fee$25.00
    Government recording charges (50%)$72.50
    Total Estimated Seller Charges$2,193.50

  • Disclosure: This is not an offer or commitment to lend. The rates and terms displayed above may change at any time without notice. The actual mortgage product you qualify for will depend upon verification of the information in your application, the applicable home value, and other relevant considerations. If you have questions about current rates, please contact a Loan Officer at 907-562-3600.

    Rates change frequently, please visit for our current rates.